ラグビーワールドカップ会場 - 巡回セールスマン問題

nAG Library for Python Example集


ラグビーワールドカップ会場 - 巡回セールスマン問題


謝辞: このノートブックはRandy Olsonの作業にインスピレーションを受けています。アメリカ横断のロードトリップの最短経路を見つけるための彼のコードは、彼のGithubページこちらで見つけることができます。このnAGノートブックの最初のバージョンはJohn Muddleによって作成されました。


all_stadiums = ["Brighton community stadium, UK", 
                "City of Manchester Stadium, Ashton New Road, Manchester",
                "Elland Road, UK",
                "King Power Stadium, Filbert Way, Leicester",
                "Kingsholm Stadium, Kingsholm Road, Gloucester",
                "Millennium Stadium, Westgate Street, Cardiff",
                "Sandy Park Stadium, Exeter",
                "St. James' Park, Barrack Road, Newcastle upon Tyne",
                "Stadium MK, Grafton Street, Bletchley",
                "The Stadium, Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park",
                "Twickenham Stadium, Whitton Road, Twickenham",
                "Villa Park, Trinity Road, Birmingham",
                "Wembley Stadium, Wembley"]


import pandas as pn
stadium_data = pn.read_csv("my-rugby-bike-stadiums-dist-dur.tsv", sep="\t")

ファイルの内容を見てみましょう。n=13のスタジアムがあるため、ファイルにはすべてのスタジアムのペア間の距離が含まれる必要があります。そのため、ファイルには12+11+10+…+1 = n*(n-1)/2 = 78行が含まれています。

stadium1 stadium2 distance_m duration_s
0 Brighton community stadium, UK King Power Stadium, Filbert Way, Leicester 280176 52420
1 Brighton community stadium, UK Sandy Park Stadium, Exeter 313295 62141
2 Brighton community stadium, UK St. James’ Park, Barrack Road, Newcastle upon … 622834 116360
3 Brighton community stadium, UK Stadium MK, Grafton Street, Bletchley 184675 34481
4 Brighton community stadium, UK Twickenham Stadium, Whitton Road, Twickenham 106895 20637
73 Wembley Stadium, Wembley Sandy Park Stadium, Exeter 327375 62045
74 Wembley Stadium, Wembley St. James’ Park, Barrack Road, Newcastle upon … 512945 96107
75 Wembley Stadium, Wembley Stadium MK, Grafton Street, Bletchley 75540 13953
76 Wembley Stadium, Wembley Twickenham Stadium, Whitton Road, Twickenham 16002 3315
77 Wembley Stadium, Wembley Villa Park, Trinity Road, Birmingham 205027 37293

78 rows × 4 columns


import numpy as np
distance_matrix = np.zeros((len(all_stadiums), len(all_stadiums)))
duration_matrix = np.zeros((len(all_stadiums), len(all_stadiums)))
for index, row in stadium_data.iterrows():
    distance_matrix[all_stadiums.index(row['stadium1'])][all_stadiums.index(row['stadium2'])] = row['distance_m']
    distance_matrix[all_stadiums.index(row['stadium2'])][all_stadiums.index(row['stadium1'])] = row['distance_m']
    duration_matrix[all_stadiums.index(row['stadium1'])][all_stadiums.index(row['stadium2'])] = row['duration_s']
    duration_matrix[all_stadiums.index(row['stadium2'])][all_stadiums.index(row['stadium1'])] = row['duration_s']

nAGソルバー mip.tsp_simannのセットアップ


from naginterfaces.library import rand
statecomm = rand.init_repeat(genid=2, seed=[304950, 889934, 209094, 23423990], subid=53)


from naginterfaces.library import mip
soln_distance = mip.tsp_simann(dm=distance_matrix, bound=-1.0, targc=-1.0, statecomm=statecomm)
soln_duration = mip.tsp_simann(dm=duration_matrix, bound=-1.0, targc=-1.0, statecomm=statecomm)
[ 1  7  6  5 12  2  8  3  4  9 13 11 10]
[ 1 10 11 13  9  4  8  3  2 12  5  6  7]


optimal_path_distance = []
optimal_path_duration = []
for i in soln_distance.path:
for i in soln_duration.path:


print('This is the shortest path by distance, of {:4.2f} kilometres:'.format(soln_distance.cost/1000))
This is the shortest path by distance, of 1793.38 kilometres:
['Brighton community stadium, UK', 'Sandy Park Stadium, Exeter', 'Millennium Stadium, Westgate Street, Cardiff', 'Kingsholm Stadium, Kingsholm Road, Gloucester', 'Villa Park, Trinity Road, Birmingham', 'City of Manchester Stadium, Ashton New Road, Manchester', "St. James' Park, Barrack Road, Newcastle upon Tyne", 'Elland Road, UK', 'King Power Stadium, Filbert Way, Leicester', 'Stadium MK, Grafton Street, Bletchley', 'Wembley Stadium, Wembley', 'Twickenham Stadium, Whitton Road, Twickenham', 'The Stadium, Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park']
print('This is the shortest path by time, of {:4.2f} hours:'.format(soln_duration.cost/3600))
This is the shortest path by time, of 96.06 hours:
['Brighton community stadium, UK', 'The Stadium, Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park', 'Twickenham Stadium, Whitton Road, Twickenham', 'Wembley Stadium, Wembley', 'Stadium MK, Grafton Street, Bletchley', 'King Power Stadium, Filbert Way, Leicester', "St. James' Park, Barrack Road, Newcastle upon Tyne", 'Elland Road, UK', 'City of Manchester Stadium, Ashton New Road, Manchester', 'Villa Park, Trinity Road, Birmingham', 'Kingsholm Stadium, Kingsholm Road, Gloucester', 'Millennium Stadium, Westgate Street, Cardiff', 'Sandy Park Stadium, Exeter']
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