
Keyword: microdisc electrode, simulation, mesh

論文タイトル An exponentially expanding mesh ideally suited to the fast and efficient simulation of diffusion processes at microdisc electrodes. 1. Derivation of the mesh
出版情報 Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, Volume 456, Issues 1-2, 30 September 1998
著者 D.J. Gavaghan
概要(abstract) "The problem of numerical simulation of the current to a microdisc electrode is made difficult by the presence of a boundary singularity at the electrode edge, which causes large errors in the simulated concentration values, and consequently in the simulated flux at the electrode. We describe some simple and easily implemented strategies for deriving a refined mesh that will overcome this problem. We take as our model problem steady-state diffusion to a stationary microdiscelectrode, for which the full analytic solution is known, since this allows us to demonstrate the accuracy of the numerical approximations. By making a detailed study of the causes of error in the flux calculation, we are able to show how error cancellation can be used to obtain an exponentially expanding mesh on which the flux can be evaluated to any desired degree of accuracy."
使用されているnAG製品 行列反転によって計算結果を得る際に帯行列を使用する nAG Fortran Libraryのルーチン F07BDF 及び F07BEF が使用されている。


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